Hat off

“Bola som len malým štuplom, drobcom.                  V bývalom dome už len hosťom, cudzí vzťah s vlastným otcom.

Spomienky sú často hmlisté,chybné. Nie vždy celkom triezve, vtipné, občas sladké, občas kyslé.

Čoraz viac na vnemy vplýva, dôrazná vôňa vína, detstvo pripomína.

Čas odhalil moju schopnosť, znova mať tú vzácnu možnosť. Víno je ten zhubný zdroj, môj osobný časostroj.“

This object was created as a reflection of personal memories and family connections. The hat, as an iconic element of my father, has become a bearer of nostalgia, identity, and a link to the past. The material - cork plays a key role in the piece. It is light and flexible, yet it has the ability to preserve traces of time, much like memories.

Beyond its physical form, the piece also has a performative aspect. It has been soaked in wine, allowing it to temporarily absorb the scent, engaging not only sight and touch but also smell. This sensory dimension deepens the viewer’s experience, evoking an ephemeral yet intimate connection to memory and presence.

The enlarged scale enhances its significance, transforming it from an everyday object into a monument of personal history. This shift emphasizes the symbolic weight of memories - their ability to grow and shape our identity long after the moments themselves have passed.

Material: Expanded Cork


Subtle complexity