Subtle Complexity

The vase "Subtle Complexity" is the result of my exploration of matter and the processes of form creation. It emerged from the transformation of a simple cylindrical piece of plaster into something more dynamic through sculptural interventions, such as drilling and breaking away material, much like the process of stone sculpture. Initially, I drilled two dozen holes at conically narrowing angles into a solid block of plaster. By removing the excess material, the shape of a a vase began to take form. This complex shape, with its sculptural and plastic decoration, was then translated into pure, refined porcelain. The process was one of transformation, not merely shaping a vase, but revealing its final form and essence, which lay hidden within the raw material. This involved removing the outer layer to uncover the vase concealed inside. Now, in its final form, it combines functionality with a touch of surprise, reflecting my belief in the beauty of subtle complexity and the art of transformation.

Material: porcelane


Pillar of democracy


Hat off